Supporting you throughout your congenital athymia journey
When you enroll in Enzyvant CONNECT you will get access to a suite of personalized services and helpful resources.
Dedicated care team
Dedicated care team
Your dedicated care team, made up of a Support Liaison and Access Specialist, will help you understand your child's diagnosis and navigate insurance benefits and financial assistance.
Co-pay program
Co-pay program
The Enzyvant CONNECT® Commercial Co-Pay Program can help caregivers of eligible commercially-insured patients in the US and US territories with medication-related out-of-pocket costs for a treatment for congenital athymia. .
Access to exclusive resources
Access to exclusive resources
- Document organizer
- Sadie’s Search, a storybook written specifically with your child in mind
- Interactive T-cell progress tracker
- Activity book
- And more!
Enzyvant CONNECT is available to patients with any type of insurance—including commercial plans, Medicare, or Medicaid—as well as patients who are underinsured or have no insurance coverage.
Start you enrollment
Whether you’re a caregiver or a healthcare provider, you can start the enrollment process today.
See how to enrollNot an actual patient.